
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weekly Assignment - Due Saturday 10-15-11

Ugh.... Sorry for the delay.
  • David:
    • Finalize mech designs:
      • No really. REALLY finalize them. Got to get modeling. Stop slacking.
      • Illustrate how the Sniper will transform.
  • Neta and Anna:
    • Special Assignment:
    • Concept ideas for not just a knife, but a COOL sci-fi knife
      • I want this prop to be a reflection of Iris' character; cold, mechanical, professional, gets the job done, beautiful.
    • I know concept art is not your thing, but I'm only looking for a different take on a mundane idea. If all goes well, this will be your prop to model for this project. I'll do my best to turn it in to you guys in a timely manner.
    • Again: jpg format no smaller than 1000px by 1000px and resolution no larger than 72ppi and write down your hours.
Good luck.


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