
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mech Notes

These are my notes based on the direction I was given by the art leads followed by additional directions drawn up by Lindsey Laney.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekly Assignment - Due Saturday 10-01-11

  • David:
    • Refine mech development in accordance to the directions from Art Leads:
      • Draw out shapes and forms
      • Use various angles to showcase ideas
      • Identify pistol class from sniper class
  • Neta:
    • Continue Logo design for in-game corporation:
      • Learn and use Illustrator
      • Use program to explore designs and produce variety
  • Neta and Anna:
    • Further prop studies. Take your favorite design and "deconstruct" it:
      • If it opens up, draw out how it looks opened AND closed
      • Draw out how a person would use this prop
      • Draw out how big the prop is in relation to the size of an average human
    • This is an exercise in preparation for prop modeling. When you model out your asset it is ideal that you are aware of how it will be used rather than blindly following a concept that you don't understand. I want you to be able to think two steps ahead and know what you need to model and how you are going to accomplish this rather than getting stuck halfway because the concept did not provide you with enough information. Part of the game is to think on your feet and adapt.
Again, please submit your work here in jpg format no smaller than 1000px by 1000px and resolution no larger than 72ppi. Due Saturday 10-01-11.

Also, PLEASE write the time it took you to do this project. Even if you spent 4 hours and did not complete the drawings, at the very least you will have completed the assignment and let me know how much you can accomplish in that time. Good luck, and again, contact me if you have any questions.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Logo Concepts

On the left, some logo designs. My favorite is the one at the very top. On the right are various prop concepts, security cameras/access stations, portable oil canisters, a pump station, and a bunch of random cool looking stuff, that could come in handy. Please please please pick what you like and what you don't, and elaborate. I need your opinions to take the design to a point where all members are satisfied.

Looking forward to some feedback so i can take some of these further.

Prop Concepts

Here are some exploratory concepts of crates/storage containers in three different styles.

Including research, it took four hours. 

Mech Thumbnail Designs - Round 2

Here's my latest rendition of the mech designs.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Logo For In-Game Company

So, I can't begin to work on the logo for the ingame company until I have a name... If I don't get a response by tomorrow, I'll just make up a name and see what works.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Design Driven Narrative

This is my written suggestions for Blink's world development. I just wanted to emphasize that these are merely suggestions that are specifically aimed at giving direction for the game's visual design. I feel it simple gives reason to the games original intentions and yet is still mailable and open ended enough to allow for the perfunctory changes the always happen during any game's development.

Blink - Design Driven Narrative
David Woo
  1. What’s the same - Futuristic medical facility in space. Purpose for facility is research in cybernetic enhancement.
  2. What’s different - Purpose for facility is research in cybernetic enhancement AND teleportation run by government but disguised as a prosthetic research lab.
  3. Reason -
  • This would be an obscenely expensive facility to run. No private investor could afford this as a hobby. Government funding would justify such an elaborate set up. It would justify the need to develop such an expensive weapon (defend country from hostile aggressors).
  • It is a secret facility (i.e. disguised) so it would justify why its beautifully designed and aesthetically pleasing. A military hospital is very different from, say, a prosthetic research facility run by M.I.T.
  • Additionally, it would justify why there are certain areas the player cannot teleport to. A facility developing this technology would have safety measures to protect its valuable research, but in game speak: guide the player through the levels while still allowing them to roam and explore without accidentally falling off the game grid or prematurely advancing a level.
  1. What’s the same - He wants Iris. He’s an omnipresent being, like a dark cloud looming over you, always watching. His (personally, I would like it to be a her, but whatev’s ^_^ ) presence is known throughout the facility, like clues to a grizzly murder with his fingerprints all over but there’s nothing you can do, ‘cause he’s in control... for now.
  2. What’s different - he’s a spy (from an opposing country with better technology, hence the need to spend so much money on this project) disguised as your ally. He appears to be helping you “escape” from this “prison facility” but is in fact trying to steal YOU, Iris - the secret weapon. He has hacked the facility, taken control of the automated service and maintenance robots, and cleared the facility of the HUMAN inhabitants (by trapping and locking them away somewhere).
  3. Reason -
  • This would justify why there are no other humans in the game. In order to successfully manipulate Iris, he would have to remove all the sentient beings and recognizable faces who could thwart his master plan. It would also justify why the machines are attacking all human targets as most normal humans would run and hide. But Iris isn’t normal now, is she?
  • Additionally, this would justify why the robots look humanoid and have their delicate innards exposed and why the facility has more of them instead of actual people. The robots are like automated wardens and nurses; big enough to carry patients (like help them onto their bed) and yet vulnerable enough to be susceptible to melee attacks (a war machine would be bullet proof and have no visible weaknesses).
  • Some robots don’t have to look humanoid, like maintenance droids who need to be able to climb up walls and ceilings to change light bulbs and fix air vents. (*Hint, hint. *Wink, wink. *Cough-Licker-from-Resident-Evil-cough.)
  1. What’s the same - Special agent. Professional, driven, kicks ass, acrobatic, victim of circumstance. Her motivation is to get out and blow up base. She is barely coming to understand her powers allowing for progression and development.
  2. What’s different - She still thinks this is a evil experiment and must escape, but the reality is that she volunteered for this experiment and is being manipulated by antagonist via mind control collar (or something). She was infiltrated/assimilated at end of her final cybernetic upgrade so she is still not quite familiar with her abilities (even more so now with the mind control device). She comes to after the coup d'état (i.e. in medias res) unaware of the preceding events and under the influence of a controlled amnesia. Think “The Bourne Identity.”
  3. Reason -
  • This would justify why the character can effectively use the teleportation ability (as opposed to, like, accidentally teleporting herself inside out) and can control her super human strength/acrobatic/combat abilities (ditto, like accidentally crushing her head on the ceiling from jumping too high or ripping her face off when she wipes her nose) BUT still allow for her to discover new abilities and techniques.
  • Design wise, this would justify why she has cool looking outfits that look like they were custom designed for her i.e. form fitting but maybe also that teleport with her, as opposed to accidentally reappearing in the nude. (Although in retrospect that sounds kinda cool. *Snicker, snicker ;)
  • Also, this justifies why she can access/use cool and interesting weapons. A prison would have a sparse selection or, more than likely, only have weapons that are ineffective against the robotic guards.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekly Assignment - Due Saturday 9-24-11

  • David:
    • Further develop mechs:
      • pistol class
      • sniper class
      • include other odd extras
    • Quick written summary of my "design driven narrative" (email a.s.a.p.)
  • Neta:
    • Logo design for in-game corporation
  • Neta and Anna:
    • Aesthetic application study:
      • Concept three props (1. Crate, 2. Control Panel, 3. Your choice) in three different styles (1. industrial, 2. sci-fi, 3. alien)
        • use the reference images Ryan posted on the wiki as a starting point
        • also use the formexploration study he did
        • really push the designs to the extreme (its generally easier to pull back than to push)
        • Note: be aware that these props will be part of a much larger picture, so the design should complement/accentuate the environment.
Please submit your work here in jpg format no smaller than 1000px by 1000px and resolution no larger than 72ppi. Due Saturday 9-24-11. Good luck and contact me if you have any questions.


I'd like to welcome you all to the blog. As mentioned in the description this blog is primarily for the LCAD students to submit their work for the GA400 class. The official site for the Blink wiki is:

That is where official work for the game should be posted so it can be shared and reviewed by the project leads and teammates.