
Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekly Assignment - Due Saturday 10-01-11

  • David:
    • Refine mech development in accordance to the directions from Art Leads:
      • Draw out shapes and forms
      • Use various angles to showcase ideas
      • Identify pistol class from sniper class
  • Neta:
    • Continue Logo design for in-game corporation:
      • Learn and use Illustrator
      • Use program to explore designs and produce variety
  • Neta and Anna:
    • Further prop studies. Take your favorite design and "deconstruct" it:
      • If it opens up, draw out how it looks opened AND closed
      • Draw out how a person would use this prop
      • Draw out how big the prop is in relation to the size of an average human
    • This is an exercise in preparation for prop modeling. When you model out your asset it is ideal that you are aware of how it will be used rather than blindly following a concept that you don't understand. I want you to be able to think two steps ahead and know what you need to model and how you are going to accomplish this rather than getting stuck halfway because the concept did not provide you with enough information. Part of the game is to think on your feet and adapt.
Again, please submit your work here in jpg format no smaller than 1000px by 1000px and resolution no larger than 72ppi. Due Saturday 10-01-11.

Also, PLEASE write the time it took you to do this project. Even if you spent 4 hours and did not complete the drawings, at the very least you will have completed the assignment and let me know how much you can accomplish in that time. Good luck, and again, contact me if you have any questions.

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