
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Logo For In-Game Company

So, I can't begin to work on the logo for the ingame company until I have a name... If I don't get a response by tomorrow, I'll just make up a name and see what works.


  1. Hi there,

    I'll be sure to bring up the name at the meeting this afternoon. I'll get you something by tonight.

    - Lindsey

  2. We just discussed it at the meeting. We don't want to commit to a name right now, so if it's not a problem could you come up with a sort of nonspecific techy logo that would fit in with fictional companies like Sarif Industries, Aperture Science, Umbrella Corp, etc etc etc?

    Jon is looking for reference pictures for you so we can give you a more solid direction. I will see if I can copy this to the wiki.


    Jon will upload reference here as soon as he compiles some.
